Schooling Arena Etiquette

Schooling Arena Etiquette

 Here are NIHJA’s guidelines to encourage a safe environment in the schooling arena.

  • Only mounted riders and trainers should be in the schooling ring.
  • Leave plenty of space between yourself and other horses. A minimum of one horse length should be kept when passing.
  • Don’t ride double-wide in the warm up arena. Hang out outside the arena like this!
    If the show arena is busy during schooling, complete your warmup in the schooling arena. Reserve a busy show arena for jumping riders.
  • When schooling over jumps, try to take turns so only a few riders are jumping at a time. If riders are more inexperienced, 1 – 2 riders should be jumping. More experienced riders may be able to handle 3 – 4 jumping riders. Make good decisions based on the environment.
  • If your horse is having a tough time in the schooling arena (bucking, rearing, running, spooking) be mindful of other riders in the arena and take a break until the ring is quiet.
  • If you are walking, utilize the rail. Yield the inside rail to others going at a faster gait
  • Let the person in front of you know you will pass. Use common language like “passing on the outside” or “passing on the inside.”
    If there are jumps in the warm-up area, call the jumps before you approach. Call loudly enough for other riders/trainers to hear your voice.
  • Watch out for riders who are jumping. Don’t cross a jump line in the ring while others are jumping.
  • Avoid blocking gates to the warm-up.  
  • Horse handlers who lunge horses should have plenty of lunging experience. For the safety of everyone, don’t lunge in busy warm-up areas, even if allowed.
  • Sometimes, jumps are flagged. Jump in the direction where the red flag is on the right. 
  • Leave the warm-up area to touch-up grooming, hoof polish or to grab a sip of water.
  • More experienced riders should look out for the less experienced riders.