End of Year Reminders

It’s time to dust of those perpetual NIHJA trophies! They may be brought to NIHJA finals, given to a NIHJA Board Member, or dropped off at Palatine Stables!

The Annual NIHJA Banquet is around the corner! NIHJA is in need of Raffle Table prizes! Contact Nancy Zeis if you are interested in donating a raffle basket or other prize!

NIHJA Year-End Division Sponsors

Thank you to those of you who have already committed to sponsoring a division for the 2022 NIHJA Annual Banquet. We are still in need of businesses, individuals, or families to sign up to help sponsor a division for NIHJA year end awards!  NIHJA relies in large part on sponsorships to reward our riders and horses for the hard work they have put in throughout the season. Those lovely, large ribbons and cool prizes are provided by our division sponsors!
We still have many divisions available for sponsorship. The cost is $175 per division.  Please consider taking a division or two. Soon, you will see the 2022 Sponsorship Board located in the Show Office at upcoming NIHJA shows. Checks may be given to NIHJA’s treasurer, Anna VanGilder. Sponsor’s names are printed in our Year End Awards Book along with the division they are sponsoring.

Rule Changes for the 2022 Show Season

At the 2021 Annual Meeting, the following rule changes were voted on and passed. All rules changes will be in place for the 2022 Show Season.

• Non-member fee for 2022 is $50.00
• All points will be recorded throughout the show season and a non-member shall be given the
option to pay a $100.00 fee and the NIHJA Membership fee for rider and/or horse nomination to
the Association in order to earn retroactive points to be counted towards a year end award, no
refund of previously paid non-member fees will be awarded. The request and payment must be
received no later than two (2) weeks following the completion of the NIHJA Finals.
• Exception allowing the Children’s Medal to run with only three (3) riders but all three (3) riders
must complete the course for the class to count
• Changes to the Junior Hunter and Equitation (both 14 & under and 15-17) rules that; Ponies may
enter the Division but will not be allowed to cross enter into the Pony Hunter classes or the
Pony Equitation classes at the same competition.
• Change to the Pony Hunter rule that; Ponies may not enter the Pony Hunter Division if they are
entered in any Junior Hunter Division at the same competition.
• Change to the Pony Equitation rules that; Ponies may not enter the Pony Equitation Division if
they are entered in any Junior Equitation Division at the same competition.
• Pre-Green Status-If a horse has shown 3 shows or less for the current season, an owner can
petition in writing the board for reinstatement of their horse’s pre-green status no later than 2
weeks after the completion of NIHJA Finals. If reinstatement is granted, the horse will lose any
points earned during the current season.
• Change to all Limit Rider Divisions (Children & Adults for both Hunter and Equitation) that Riders
cannot show higher than 2’6″ at that show.
• NIHJA Junior Medal Class – Fences 3’0”.
• Change to the Non-Pro Working Hunter – Division will be run at two (2) different fence heights,
2’9” and 3’, rider must elect only one (1) fence height in which to compete at that competition.
Judging for both fence heights will be combined on 1 (one) judge’s card.
• Addition of the Optional Division, Schooling Hunter – Fences not to exceed 2’0″. Open to any
horse or pony. Entries in this division do not affect a horse’s pre-green status.
• The addition of the High Point Jumper Awards to the horse receiving the most points for the
show year in any given Jumper division, will receive the annual High Point Jumper Award, and
another horse with the next highest point total, in any given Jumper division will receive the
Reserve High Point Jumper Award.

Update October 5, 2021

As our 2021 competition season comes to a close, we would like you to take note of the following information.

1.Points will be FINAL Friday, October 8, 2021. Please review your points and contact the points secretary points@nihja.net with any questions, comments, or concerns.

2. The 2021 NIHJA Annual Meeting and Horse Show Draw will take place on October 18, 2021 at 6:00pm

3. If you have a trophy from the 2020 season, please return it to Palatine Stables by Monday, October 18, 2021. You may also drop of trophies at the NIHJA Annual Meeting.

4. NIHJA still needs sponsors for the 2021 NIHJA Prizes and Awards. If you are interested, contact Barb Mangler at bmangler@comcast.net. Sponsorship is $150 and helps provide quality prizes and ribbons to riders who have worked so hard this year to finish at the top of their division!

5. NIHJA will be hosting our annual Banquet and we are in need of raffle table prizes! Please help support NIHJA and consider donating an item to the raffle table.

Year End Information

It’s hard to believe it is the end of the 2021 competition season! NIHJA needs the help of NIHJA members with a few items!

  • Thank you to all the 2021 NIHJA division sponsors so far. We need people to sign up to help sponsor a division for NIHJA year end awards. Remember, the NIHJA Year End Awards are reflective upon the number of sponsorships received.   NIHJA relies in large part on sponsorships to reward our riders and horses for the hard work they have put in throughout the season. Those lovely, large ribbons and cool prizes are provided by our division sponsors! Sponsors can be a business, an individual, a family or just a group of friends from your barn.  We still have many divisions available for sponsorship. The cost is $175 per division.  Please consider taking a division or two. You may contact Barb Mangler at bmangler@comcast.net . Sponsor’s names are printed in our Year End Awards Book along with the division they are sponsoring.
  • If you have a trophy from the 2020 season, it’s time to dust off those trophies! You can bring them to the office at NIHJA Finals, drop them off with a NIHJA Board member, or drop them off at Palatine Stables.
  • The 2021 NIHJA Annual Meeting and Horse Show Draw will be held on Monday, October 18, 2021 at 6:00 pm. We will update the post with the location ASAP.